Sunday, April 23, 2006
Now th' rescue
So they're just after me they have nothin' ta do with Shi's kidnapping. I gotta put 'em down fast, Then find who really took her.
Me against a whole bunch O' Ninjas piece a cake.
After I finish wit' them I follow Shi's trail. There's a bunch 'o guys hangin' around with this guy beats on her. I could go subtle, an' sneak up on 'em. Or I can bull my way in an rip 'em all a new one.
Ya all knew which I chose I guess. I jump through tha window. In tha surprise , I take out a few of ' em. Then tha rest shoot me. It didn't tickle but I was alright. My healin' factor would kick in pretty soon. I cut through them but while I was takin' out the boss, escapes.
I get Shi outta there .
But before I do I find a clue so it was Yakuza. I take her back to th' mansion. " Why can't I go back to my place." Shi asks. " It's kinda messed up darlin'. " She sneers at me. " I don't believe this! You destroy my place even when I'm not there!"
"It wasn't me this time it was th' Hand. "
" But they were after you weren't they?" she said before she passed out. I told Rouge to watch out fer her while we were off ta find Chuck in the Shia'r Empire.
I look outside Ah it looks like Dr. Richards pulled through.